Situated near Hermiston, Oregon, this irrigated farm asset is comprised of 75.38 +/- deeded acres in Northeastern Oregon State. This irrigated region of the Columbia Basin is a significant agricultural production area due to its ideal growing season, well-drained soils, and ample water.
There are 62.0 +/- tillable acres per the Seller. The farm is currently leased to a local farmer under a cash rent agreement through December 31, 2023. Under this lease, the landlord receives a set dollar amount per year for all of the tillable acres. The farm is currently planted to a 2023 crop of pumpkins.
The primary source for irrigation is via a groundwater right sourced from a well located on the property. The water right certificate has a priority date of December 22, 1969, for 68.5 +/- irrigable acres and 3 acre-feet per acre. Water is pumped from the well to two pivots located on the propert...
The primary source for irrigation is via a groundwater right sourced from a well located on the property. The water right certificate has a priority date of December 22, 1969, for 68.5 +/- irrigable acres and 3 acre-feet per acre. Water is pumped from the well to two pivots located on the property, which are also included in the sale of this asset.
A farmstead, including a home and various utility buildings, is included with the sale. The Umatilla County Assessor reports that the 1,444-square-foot home was built in 1956 and has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house was recently remodeled and has a new HVAC system, countertops, appliances, and flooring. There is also an 864-square-foot shop that was constructed in 1996. The farmstead also has 1.46 +/- acres of fenced pasture with multiple lean-tos for livestock. The house is currently not occupied, but the Seller is actively seeking a tenant.
Per the Umatilla County Department of Land Use Planning, the property is located in an Exclusive Farm Use Zone with a 40-acre minimum parcel size.
The property is accessed via paved, county-maintained roads.
The sale of this asset is subject to a Right of First Refusal with the current farm tenant.
For more information and to request the full information package, please contact Braydon Rudolph OR Adam C Woiblet.
Walla Walla, WA