INVESTORS & FARMERS ALIKE You don't want to miss your opportunity at this Quality Wayne County Farm north of Corydon, IA w/ Excellent Access on Hwy. 14 as well as gravel access on the west. The farm is Highly Tillable w/ 145.5 Acres in Row Crop, Quality Soils w/ a CSR2 of 46, Maintained Waterways and has had Extensive Tiling & Terracing done. The Owner would prefer to Sell the Farm w/ a LEASE BACK on the Crop Acres at Attractive Cash Rent (Contact Agent for Details) and would do a multiple year contract. If you're looking for a Quality Farm that is Highly Tillable to show a Good Return on Investment this may be the property for you. Call today for Additional Information.
Contact "THE LAND GUYS" Kyle Schoneman or Matt Schoneman.