66-026 Ackerville South Timber - The property currently for sale consists of the entire tract  or  the west portion of a ±415-acre tract located entirely in Wilcox County. It offers outstanding hunting as well as being a very good timber investment. This tract is stocked primarily in loblolly pine approximately 18 years old that has been first-thinned in some locations.  There are areas of hardwood in the drains and on the hillsides that provide excellent food for deer and turkey. Each nice game plot has an game observation house.  A 10-point buck and a 12-point buck were taken off the property by the owner this past hunting season (see photos).  The topographic map illustrates the location of several potential pond sites.
The west side of this tract is the most heavily timbered, and can be purchased as a couple of options. The first option is as shown on the attached ...
The west side of this tract is the most heavily timbered, and can be purchased as a couple of options. The first option is as shown on the attached aerial map. This parcel consists of approximately 180 acres and access is off the Ackerville-Tilden public gravel road. A second option extends the quarter section line north to the county road which results in about 150 acres.  A survey will beprovided in either case. The price per acre is $1,925. Please call Don Donald at the Camden Office at 1-866-788-0759 or 334-682-9825 for more information or to arrange to see.