High Quality Farm Located in Strong Area!
185.16 acres, m/l, with 135.73 currently cropped acres with CSR2 of 67.0 (CSR 67.1).
Building Description(s)
Dwelling: 2-story frame 3BR/1BA house built in 1900 with 1,899 SF. Includes full basement and detached garage built in 1958.
-50' x 80' Feed/Livestock Barn built in 1900
-36' x 50' Machine/Utility Shed built in 1979
-12' x 22' Shed built in 1900
-18' x 24' Crib built in 1900
-20' x 68' Swine Finish/Farrow built in 1900
-16' x 50' Concrete silo built in 1965
From Ossian: Approximately 1/2 mile south and 2 miles west on County Rd. B32 (Military Twp)