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Senator Outing Duck Club - 16 Members

The club is flooded via water that is provided by the Department of Fish and Game. There are two deep wells on the property but they are used only occasionally. Annual water costs to flood the club are approximately $8,000 per year. The water cost is based on an acre-foot basis. This water cost is included in a members annual dues. The club has a riparian water right through the State of California for water deliveries to the club. The Senator Outing Club has 16 members that hunt in pairs. Each owner has a hunting partner that is also an owner. On hunt days the partners hunt together at their chosen blind. Each owner shares a room at the clubhouse with his partner. There are 16 blinds on the club so on any given hunt day the most people hunting the club would be 8 pairs of hunters. The annual dues for the club are $7,000 per membership which covers all expenses for the club, in additio...

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