Pricing Details:
Price: $44,000
Owner Financed Price: $60,500
$9,075 Down & $854/Month
Inquire with us for alternate financing options
Property Details:
Parcel #: 33-08-20-211-000.0
County: Leon, FL
Parcel Size: 2.76 acres
Legal Description: SECTION 8 T2S R1E OR 953/156 OR 3814/718(DC)
Property Dimensions: 398.16 ft x 300.98 ft x 396.81 ft x 301.23 ft
GPS Center Coordinates: 30.327253602535095, -84.25923374206326
GPS Coordinates (4 Corners) Approximate:
30.327636735487204, -84.25990439519269
30.32764493642951, -84.25863994729744
30.326821265299987, -84.25864268872138
30.32681192987308, -84.25990312702912
Elevation: 23.0 feet
Access to Property (Dirt or Paved): Dirt
Zoning: R (Rural)
Terrain: Level
Time limit: 180 days
Tax Amount: 2022 Tax amount was $198.59
HOA: Not part of an HOA
Water: Would need to drill a well
Sewer: Would need to i...
Sewer: Would need to install a septic system
Power: Yes by Talquin Electric Co-Op +18509267422