"Arata Ranch"
PROPERTY LOCATION: 6090 Stage Road and 3225 Pomponio Creek Road, San Gregorio, San Mateo County, CA
ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS: 081-240-050, 081-270-010, 081-270-020, 087
180-010, 087-180-030, 087-180-070, and 087180-090
Acreage: 1,311.81 Acre
Property Location: This ranch has a great location on the picturesque Central Coast of California. The Ranch is located in San Gregorio in San Mateo County just a few miles from multiple state beaches, the quaint historic town of Pescadero and 15+- miles from Half Moon Bay. The ranch is approximately 50+- miles to San Francisco, 60+- miles to San Jose and 80+- miles to the Monterey Bay areas.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The property is located on Stage Road and Pomponio Creek Road, east of Highway 1, in San Gregorio. The ranch contains a gross land area of approximately 1,311.81 acres, according to the assessor's data sheets. The to...
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The property is located on Stage Road and Pomponio Creek Road, east of Highway 1, in San Gregorio. The ranch contains a gross land area of approximately 1,311.81 acres, according to the assessor's data sheets. The topography varies from rolling to steep. The terrain primarily consists of rolling open grassland and sloping to steep areas that are covered in trees and brush. The elevation ranges from approximately 130 feet to 970 feet above sea level. Sweeping ocean views are available from the upper elevations of the ranch.
Note: The acreage estimate identified above is approximate. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of the estimate. A qualified surveyor or engineer should be enlisted for a more accurate estimate.
Present Use: The subject property is presently used for grazing, portions have been userd for dry land farming and rural residential purposes.
Access: The subject property has frontage along the east side of Stage Road and the north and south sides of Pomponio Creek Road.
Utilities: Electricity and telephone services are developed to the subject. There are no municipal sewer, water services or natural gas developed to the property.
Water: There are developed springs that provide water to the building improvements and stock water throughout the property. Also there a multiple ponds and a creek running through the property.
Building Improvements: The subject property is improved with many buildings and three residences.
Zoning/Land Use Controls: The subject property is located in the unincorporated area of San Mateo County. According to the San Mateo County Planning Department, the subject is zoned PAD/CDPlanned Agricultural District/Coastal District.
Conservation Easement: The property is encumbered by a conservation. The conservation easement is granted to Peninsula Open Space Trust. The conservation easement does provide for the rehab of the homes or construction of new homes.
Land Conservation Agreement (Williamson Act): According to the San Mateo County Assessor's office, assessor's parcel numbers 081-270-010, 081-270-020, 087-180-010, 087-180-030, 087-180-070, and 087-180-090 of the subject property are currently encumbered by a Williamson Act contract. Assessor's parcel number 081-240-050 (151 acres) is not.
Life Estate: One home and a small area around the home will be reserved as a life estate.
Pomponio Creek Road area.
The Pomponio Creek Road area contains 2 dwellings, two large hay barns, three shop/storage buildings, an old milk barn, and miscellaneous small storage buildings.
Dwelling 1: This is an old dwelling that contains approximately 1,250 square feet and is in fair condition. (This home and area around it is encumbered by a life estate)
Dwelling 2: This is an old dwelling that contains approximately 1,525 square feet. The condition of this home is poor. This home has not been used in many years.
Barns: There are two large hay/feed type barns (approximately 4,800 square feet and 6,000 square feet) totaling approximately 10,800 square feet. These are very old structures of wood construction and with galvanized iron roofs.
Shop/Storage Buildings: There are three shop buildings and various other outbuildings and tractor sheds. One of the shops on the north side of Pomponio contains approximately 2,400 square feet, and is of pre-engineered steel frame with galvanized siding and roof cover. The other shops and remaining buildings are older wood construction some in better shape than others, one of which is encumbered by the life estate.
Stage Road Area: The stage road area contains one old residence, a structure that was converted to a second living unit, detached garage, 3 large hay barns, and miscellaneous small storage buildings. These buildings are all in poor condition. This area of the ranch has sweeping ocean views.
This is a rare opportunity to purchase this pictures California Coastal Ranch. This property can be an estate, cattle ranch, farm or family retreat. There is plenty to do hunt, hike, bike, bird watch or just enjoy the nature and beauty of this ranch.