If youve ever entertained the thought of having income-producing property in the beautiful North Carolina countryside, then there is an opportunity that you wont want to miss. It doesnt happen often that a unique property with a sterling reputation and proven business income becomes available in our area. When that property includes 13 acres, a restored and updated plantation house that dates originally to the early 1800s, several original outbuildings, a pecan orchard with 21 mature trees along with a variety of other trees, and a magnificent showcase Magnolia tree, it is truly a one-of-a-kind offering. The Magnolia Manor could be your primary residence if the business wasnt part of your dream.
Magnolia Manor Plantation is a rare gem. Known as a charming Bed and Breakfast, and operated since 2003 by the current owners, the distinctive property is also a premier wedding and event venue ...
Magnolia Manor Plantation is a rare gem. Known as a charming Bed and Breakfast, and operated since 2003 by the current owners, the distinctive property is also a premier wedding and event venue in the
Piedmont area, consistently winning awards for its barn weddings. However, the sophisticated charm and stunningly beautiful setting of this Warrenton property belie that description. No matter. If you are interested in further exploring the possibilities of Magnolia Manor Plantation, please contact us at your earliest convenience.